Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The weather has been beautiful the past few days but it is supposed to get incredibly hot in the next few and unsettled. Hopefully no more tornadoes, enough devastation!

The past few days I have been incredibly busy in the garden. All that rain and then the heat brought so many weeds. So weeding and watering keeps us busy. I finally planted some of the pumpkins but still have some more to do. Everything seems to be doing well and growing away.

My cat BooBoo LOVES the garden. He stays down there with me wandering through the plants, occasionally stepping on them but for the most part he follows the paths. Last night he was down there with me for about 2 hours hiding behind the plants and hills and diving at dragonflies. There were hundreds and they were driving him nuts! He is a funny cat, I love him to death.

Our lawn is out of control, we've been mowing twice a week. Luckily my son, Cody is old enough and does all the mowing. I keep telling John that hey, the more we expand the garden, the less we have to mow! Less time, less gas at $4 a gallon.

Stay cool!!!

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